You may remember the pilot shortage that was briefly discussed a few years ago. Retirement ages have always played a factor in the supply of qualified pilots, which is why in 2007 Congress elected to vote in a bill raising the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65. The reason for this ...
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The Role of a Private Jet Consultant
May 17, 2022The PJC was started with one main purpose in mind, the client. After first hand experience at large, jet charter brokerage companies and some of the largest management and aircraft operators in the country, we recognized a need for smaller firms that focused more effort on each interaction ...
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Private Travel and The Role of an FBO
May 4, 2022An FBO (fixed-base operator) is the general provider of services for business aviation aircraft, crew members and passengers. Whether fueling the aircraft or acting as the passenger terminal upon arrival or departure, FBO's play a key role in your flight. Many private travelers are familiar with the large companies ...
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Avoiding The Pitfalls of Aircraft Transactions
April 22, 2022Aircraft acquisitions and sales of a private jet are one of the largest and most infrequent purchases of a person or company. Because of the transaction size, there is an immense amount of uncertainty on who has your best interest at heart. Whether it is the fee structure being a ...
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The Recovery Process
April 18, 2022Many people believe that working with one of the large service providers offers a more rapid recovery if there is an unforeseen need to change aircraft or crew. That is not necessarily the case. Due to the increased demand in business aviation, many of those large operators are purchasing additional ...
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